Scratching the Surface

by Ruth W.
(South Eastern USA)

Hi Saqib

Thank you for your devotion to finding alternative prophylaxis and Rx. for covid. You have Mercy. And with Mercy Stands Justice. You are justifiably merciful!

I am a nurse. I have been in the field of nursing for over forty years. I have done clinical bedside nursing, hospice, and finally towards the last decade, catastrophic case management.

I became aware of the virus back in late January. Knowing it had four separate inserts of HIV, I understood the gravity of the situation.

I went about doing my own research, firstly to protect myself, my family, and mankind. Thus I too have Mercy and wanted none to perish.

My research also landed me on the article from Pubmed, (Jan 2014) regarding Anthemis Hyalina, Citrus Sinensis, and Nigella Sativa.

I have been taking Nigella Sativa oil since February and have provided it to my family. In addition, I decided to try my green thumb at growing it and bought seeds from two separate suppliers. Sadly my geographic area tends to be a bit too humid for it to thrive. However, one of the plants(blue flower) has some seed pods on it, the other plant, (white flower) is barely making it.

In addition, I planted Chamomile, (although it is the Matricaria recutita) often known as German Chamomile. Several plants have provided some flowers and I have those drying.

Other plants I considered were Oregano, thyme and Monarda, and Feverfew.

The feverfew is doing well and has provided a great tea relief for headaches. My Wormwood, (Artemisia) has not thrived, (although I had it growing thirty years ago, further North, mainly as an ornamental)

Monarda, (also known as Bee Balm) is fairly common in the continental United States and can be found wild. The interesting component of this plant is Thymoquinone. Which of course is also found in Nigella Sativa.

Thus, I planted that as well and it has produced flowers that are now drying on my kitchen table. I have also started myself on some Salvia Miltiorrhiza, (Dan Shen).

Further research has to lead me to the Linden Blossom, (Tilia Cordata), which has compounds that reduce the ROS, Reactive Oxygen Species, (oligomeric procyanidins, and precursor epicatechin) I can expound on this further if anyone out there is interested in my personal research.

What I would like to know from you if you can help me, is how different is the Anthemis Hyalina from the German Chamomile? Or the Roman Chamomile? I did find an article in the Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic plants, Spring 2008, Volume 24, Number 1(39)pages 31-37. One of the major constituents that stood out to me was the cis-Chrysanthenyl acetate, as well as the b-caryophyllene. And of course the germacrene-D, myrcene, a-pine, etc.

Is the Anthemis Hyalina just endogenous in your area?

I will close now and praise you for your efforts to help humanity.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Ruth W.

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Nov 15, 2021
Anthemis hyalina for the current situation
by: Alex

I really enjoyed finding Ruth W and Saqib's correspondence on this website and when I saw 'justice' and 'mercy' included in the dialogue I felt that this was the place for me also. I too honour you both for your contributions to a just and wise planet for all.

I live with my wife on a residential section about an hour north of Sydney, near the coast, and we moved here from Sydney in March 2020 as the Pandemic took hold. We have gradually constructed gardens and planted fruit trees in the limited amount of ground that gets enough sun to grow vegetables and herbs and our respect for farmers that do this for a living has certainly risen.
We are both organic/permaculture minded and have been for many years so it is a privilege to have
access to a property to experiment with this in our 'early retirement.

We have in the past few months become interested in solutions for coping with the new reality of living in a 'weird world' where trust between doctors and patients has been disrupted and it seems thousands of people have died or been seriously injured by the actions that have been taken in response to this latest version of the Coronavirus.

In my search I found TaibUVID Nutritional Treatment
by Salah Mohamed El Sayed, using Nigella sativa, honey and chamomile flowers and I began exploring this avenue. In the abstract of the 1st link below, he acknowledges the work of Alasli et al, who published the 2014 paper that Ruth W refers to.
(Ulasli et al. Mol Biol Rep. 2014; 41: 1703-11

I have enclosed two references which are for the same 2020 study but six months apart and the second one shows how the recommended protocol has progressed.

In Australia, our leaders in their wisdom have followed the US lead but much more severely and
have banned any early treatment, forbidden doctors to prescribe anything for Covid patients and have banned pharmacies from dispensing any products for Covid, at risk of losing their license if they don't follow these rules. The death rates have been minimal compared to many countries mainly because our borders were shut completely in early March 2020 and we have had repeated shutdowns in the cities and obviously there have been many negative outcomes for many people. It doesn't appear that the situation improves enough in countries that have achieved high vaccination rates to have confidence that we are through the worst of this situation.

Let us hope that justice and mercy emerge as the dominant way of behaving toward each other as we go forward especially as we all need to work together on the climate situation where unfortunately Australia is not among the leaders in taking preventative action.

Meanwhile back to Ns+Honey+Anthemis hyalina.
I began researching black seed oil which I had not heard of before even though we have black seeds in our condiments and use them every day for lunch. I bought some oil online and liked the taste and mixed it with some honey we had and liked that even more. So I decided that I would order some really good honey as I tended to avoid it because of the high fructose level but reading about it seemed to suggest that it wasn't such a problem in natural foods like honey and indeed there are so many positive benefits of honey that I went ahead and began ordering some really good 'Manuka' honey with comes from both NZ and Australia.

We began researching the Chamomile flowers and found several outlets selling them and ordered from an organic herb shop 250grams of premium dried Matricaria recutita from Croatia which arrived a few days ago and we experimented with the TaibUvid protocol and my observation was that whatever the health outcomes, it certainly is delicious.
I was also concerned about whether the flowers we received contained the same attributes as Anthemis hyalina and that led me to this site several weeks ago and again this week. I found one scientific paper that is away above my head but the 'background' after the abstact, and the 'conclusions' seem to show that as
Saqib has said they are both very similar.
It is a comparison of the differences between German and Roman Chamomile and it seems they are quite different in their health uses.

Also of interest is the Medical Doctor 'Dr Been' who does regular Youtube videos on the current situation and has one on the use of NS and Honey as a remedy used in Pakistan. No mention of flowers.
So I've found this very useful and supportive to have these compounds that have been used for centuries in many countries and as Sayed mentions are part of 'Prophetic medicine'. I would like to express my gratitude for the work of so many wise people in so many countries who share this wisdom to all who care to inquire and I thank both of you for sharing your acquired knowledge and wish you good outcomes for the future.

Jul 23, 2020
Digging Deeper
by: Ruth W.

Dear Saqib,

Thank you for responding to my questions regarding Anthemis Hyalina.

I am thrilled to read that my garden chamomile is similar to the Anthemis Hyalina.

I have it growing, drying, and diffusing all around my house. I mixed some essential oils of German Chamomile and Monarda which resulted in a pleasant aroma. And we know they are both anti-viral.

I realize each geographic area in the world will grow plants of similar species but have different compositions and constituents. Each year will have different compositions of the same plant secondary to the sun, water, soil, etc. That is what makes the world of plants so resistant to germs.

God put them here for us to use. God blessed us with the herbs to use as food and medicine.

Yes, pharmaceuticals do have a place, but using plants first can help us avoid getting in a medical situation where we might need pharmaceuticals.

Would I use Budesonide if I absolutely could not breathe? Of course, I would. Budesonide, now generic, is a corticosteroid that is proving to be a major treatment in the virus.
Dr. Richard Bartlett has had great success with the inhalation of the medication for patients that are having impaired respiratory function.

So I am not totally against pharmaceuticals. They have a place.

What I am personally having difficulty grappling with is the with-holding of valuable life-saving information. This has crippled our response to healthcare.

This virus, (yes it is contagious) with it's RO factor, does not have to be a death sentence. And it does not have to shut down the world.

Praise to you. Blessings abundant!

Jul 22, 2020
Thanks for Sharing Valuable Information
by: Saqib Ali Ateel

Hello, Ruth W.

Welcome, and thanks for your contribution. Your words encourage me to bring more content from the authentic sources for our viewers. You have raised a couple of questions which I shall try to reply with the best of my knowledge.

First, you have asked the difference between Chamomile and Anthemis Hyalina. Most of the studies consider them the same.

Chamomile is a common name used for various species in the family of Asteraceae. It is one of the largest families of the flowering plants having the estimated size comprising of 1314 genera representing 2100 species. Anthemideae is the largest tribe of the family Asteraceae comprising of 109 genera and 1740 species. Some species belonging to tribe Anthemideae of family Asteraceae having a high content of pharmacological action, are considered having remedial applications in alternative medicine

Chamomile has many names in different parts of the world like Baboonig, Babuna, Babuna camornile, Babunj, German Chamomile, Hungarian Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, English chamomile, Camomilla, Flos chamomile, Single Chamomile, sweet false Chamomile, pinheads, and scented mayweed, etc.

However,  only two; German and Roman chamomiles are considered useful in alternative remedies. The botanical name of the German Chamomile is Matricaria Recutita L. The botanical name of the Roman Chamomile is Chamaemelum Nobile L.

Generally, we take Anthemis Hyalina equivalent to German Chamomile, despite having deep family, tribe, and species relations. The best-known botanical name for true Chamomile is Matricaria recutita (syn. Matricaria chamomilla, Chamomilla Recutita (L.) Rauschert, belonging to the genus Chamomilla and family Asteraceae.

Your second question is whether Anthemis Hyaline just endogenous in our area. Frankly speaking, it is widely spread all over Europe, SW Asia, N, and NE Africa and extending into extreme southern Arabia and tropical east Africa. In Pakistan, dozens are varieties spread in the mountains.

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