3 Organic Food Benefits From Organictarians’ Perspective 

When you discuss organic food benefits, you may find contradictory responses from supporters of organic or non-organic food industries. Similarly, scientists, biologists, and researchers also try to baffle you with their long researches and confusing terminologies. 

The most exciting answers come from organictarians (the term being used for organic food eaters but still looking for a place in dictionaries) as they are the real users and can tell you stories of benefits that they have been enjoying from organic food. 

Three of our top organic food benefits include peace of mind for preferring healthy food, sense of responsibility to biodiversity, environment, and ecosystem, and the taste and freshness of the food. 

1- Peace of Mind

Organic Food Benefits

When we prefer organic food, we feel taking a step to self-care our health. You know fruits, vegetables, chicken, meat, pulses, and grains labeled with the organic food are restrictively exposed to non-organic substances.

Various studies have proved that pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, heavy metals, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones found in non-organic food are dangerous for human health, while organic food contains 50% more omega-3 fatty acids than conventional food, and antioxidants in some case (ref).

Various diseases like cancer, tumors, infertility, miscarriage, birth defects, ADHD, immune, and endocrine systems are linked with crop chemicals and pesticides.

Obviously, we get a lot of satisfaction when we select the food, which is the least polluted with insecticides, pesticides, and herbicides. We also take pleasure that we are not feeding our families and kids with the food, which may be dangerous for their health.

2- Sense of Responsibility toward Biodiversity & Environment

Organic food gives us not only a peace of mind for taking care of our family’s health but also to protect biodiversity and the ecosystem for the next generations. We know without a doubt that deployment of dangerous and synthetic sprays and pesticides has destroyed the biodiversity and threatening the environment severely.

This belief is supported by the first-ever report from “Food and Agricultural Organization” (FAO) of the United Nations, that "biodiversity is  crucial for our food and agriculture but disappearing by the day." 

The report has gathered data from 91 countries and found that '24% of nearly 4,000 wild food species have been decreasing drastically.' Many species of soil organisms, natural enemies of pests and pollinators are also declining and contributing to breaking biodiversity cycles.

The FAO further warns that if the organisms helping food and agriculture to grow are killed with pesticides and insecticides, the humans would never be able to reproduce them. Hence, disturbed biodiversity can threaten future generations for food and agriculture all over the world. 

Such organisms in the food biodiversity include all kinds of plants, animals, and micro-organisms such as insect, bats, sparrows, bird, corals, earthworm, fungi, and mangroves. 

When we prefer organic food, we feel a sense of responsibility toward our next generations by contributing to efforts for sustainable biodiversity, ecosystem, and environment.

3- Tasty Organic Food Benefits

Some scanty studies claim that organic lovers can’t differentiate between organic and conventional food. However, organic consumers like me know it from our taste buds that organic food tastes different from the non-organic one. 

I was born in a village and used organic food for a long time, even before knowing organic food benefits. When I visited Harvard to complete my Master degree, I used to visit organic food stores frequently for organic products like chicken, eggs, coffee, fruits, and vegetables. 

You should purchase organic food from your local farmhouses for the freshest food. However, if not possible, you still have chances to buy fresh vegetables and fruits from your local organic grocery store, which can add freshness to your tasty meals.


You often find various objections against organic food. However, there are two myths which are repeated everywhere to diminish organic food benefits 

First, insects on organic food carry diseases, so they are dangerous for human beings. However, factually only seven insects out of total estimated 900,000 varieties on earth have the potential to cause infections.

However, most of the chemicals and heavy metals found in the non-organic food can cause more danger to the human body than these seven insects. Second, the price of organic food is slightly higher than conventional food. Furthermore, there are various methods to control insects without utilizing synthetic insecticides and pesticides. 

Second, organic foods are costlier than conventional ones. However, if we deduct subsidies that governments frequently provide to the non-organic farmers and pesticide industry, the cost of production seems almost parallel or even higher for the production of non-organic food. In other words, conventional consumers are purchasing food at a lesser price because organic food lovers are equally taxed in the shape of subsidies. Despite all, our three organic food benefits listed above outweigh smaller extra price. 

By: Saqib Ali Ateel

Organic Food Definition

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