Eating Organic Food Can Reduce Risks of Kidney, Liver, and Gut Diseases Besides Increasing Sperm Count in Males

The arguments for eating organic food are getting louder as more scientific studies are coming affront. We all know that non-organic foods or conventional foods carry certain pesticides and herbicides, which can easily lead to cancers. The most dangerous of them are Glyphosates from herbicides, which is found in bodies of the farming communities in harmful quantities as they are frequently exposed to these chemicals for their crops.

Some studies have already proved that organic vs. non-organic foods are not only healthier but also help us to get rid of such dangerous chemicals. Kendra Klein and Anna Lappe have reported that by giving up conventional foods and eating organic food can help the users to get rid of 16 pesticides and especially reduce Glyphosate by 70% within six days.

How Pesticides Enter Our Bodies?

eating organic food

We consume a lot of remnants of pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides while taking non-organic foods. The liver has to work a lot to break down these chemicals to make them acceptable to our bodies. However, it does not always succeed. 

The daily intake of such substances is so small that they may not cause any severe problems. However, regular consumption of non-organic foods accumulates these chemicals in different parts of our bodies, especially the liver and kidneys.

The latest study has detected 16 pesticides and chemicals breaking down in the bodies of all participants. 

It has also been observed that most of the conventional farmers are being exposed to more than 40 different pesticides, including Glyphosate, organophosphates, pyrethroids, the neonicotinoid clothianidin, and the phenoxy herbicide 2,4-D.

Kendra Klein and Anna Lappé write:

“Research has linked Glyphosate to high rates of kidney disease in farming communities and to shortened pregnancy in a cohort of women in the midwest. Animal studies and bioassays link it to endocrine disruption, DNA damage, decreased sperm function, disruption of the gut microbiome, and fatty liver disease.”

Organic Food Can Reduce Pesticides

Until recently, we were not sure how to get rid of pesticide chemicals accumulations from our bodies. There were pharmaceutical or natural antioxidants to do the job. However, this study helps us to understand the real impact of organic not only as a food but also as a cure against these accumulated substances. It proves that shifting towards organic food from the conventional one can help us to remove 40% to 70% of different chemicals from our bodies.

Kendra Klein and Anna Lappe quote a farmer about eating organic food after the study: 

“If my kids have this much of a change in their numbers, what would other families have?” asked Scott Hersrud of Minneapolis, Minnesota, a father of three who participated in the study. The answer to that question is increasingly clear: a big one. This study is part of a comprehensive scientific analysis showing that switching to an organic diet rapidly and dramatically reduces exposure to pesticides.”

Another study also demonstrates that eating organic food can significantly reduce urinary levels of Glyphosate as well as AMPA, dropping to the baseline within three days. 

It seems good news. 

However, it entails another question. Why are the governments are not banning the use of such dangerous pesticides and chemicals? You may ask even why they are allowing non-organic food to be sold as safe? One straight answer can be that organic food is not frequently available. If governments allow only organic foods, there is a possibility of the shortage of food all over the world. More focus and sponsored studies in the field can increase the means of production that can help to supply organic food to every consumer. 

But that is not the whole story. The big food suppliers, pesticide companies, and substantial marketing campaigns are also responsible for the continuous supply of non-organic and GMO foods.  However, this report recommends that organic food should be no more a preference but a public good.

A little Talk About Glyphosate

We try our best to avoid complicated talks on the pesticides and chemicals which we ingest with conventional foods. In the same fashion, but with a little depth, it is important to discuss Glyphosates, which we consume with traditional foods.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had flagged Glyphosate as a potential carcinogen in 1983. However, it was never banned. Instead, the government agencies continued to raise the legal threshold, which never helped to stop its use. For corporate reasons, governments have been ignoring the health hazards attached to this substance.

 Kendra Klein and Anna Lappe report that due to the slackness of part of EPA, the levels of detectable Glyphosate have increased from 12% in 1970 to 70% by 2014. It is an alarming increase, and we have been observing a growing number of cancers all over the world for the same period. It merely means the safe levels of pesticides determined by the regulators are no more valid. 

The World Health Organization has also included Glyphosates in the list of the most probable human carcinogen. WHO reports:

Studies of “pure” Glyphosate concluded that the evidence for causing cancer in experimental animals was “sufficient,” and the evidence for causing genotoxicity was “strong.” The real-world exposures experienced by human populations are to a variety of formulations of Glyphosate with other chemicals because this is how Glyphosate is mainly sold and used. Similar results were reported in studies of different formulations used in different geographical regions at different times.”

The studies also report that some substances increase not only risks of cancer but also the damaged learning abilities, birth defects, obesity, diabetes, and reproductive disorders. They say at least 70 pesticides which are banned in the European Union are permissible in the USA. The situation is more alarming in developing countries where regulators are extremely weak.

Eating Organic Food is the Way Ahead

These studies prove our original thesis that we try our best to prefer organic foods when we have a choice. As the dangers of conventional foods are becoming more glaring, more people are shifting towards eating organic foods. However, a lot of people either for lack of knowledge or resources fail to go for organic food every time they go to a grocery shop. Kendra Klein suggests that governments should come forward to take organic food as a public good to save such people from dangerous pesticides and harmful chemicals.

Organic Food Benefits

Organic Food Definition

Baby Organic Food

Organic Packaged Foods

Difference Between Organic and Natural

Processed Junk Foods

Pesticides in Food & Cancer

Organic Food Movement

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