Abounding Health Benefits of Moringa Baffle the Modern Day Treatment Philosophy

How did you react when you first time heard about the health benefits of moringa?

It would be disbelief at least…

I have been residing in a place nowadays where moringa trees are ubiquitous. I have three moringa trees out of a dozen, in my house. On every season, moringa tree parts are an essential part of our daily diet. Unfortunately, the season ends within a week or so. We cook moringa baby flowers (before they blossom) and greeny pods before their seeds harden. We often mix beef or meat with these parts to make the dishes tastier.

But most of the nutrients of these parts go waste during the cooking process. Still, we feel a lot of energy and immunity against seasonal diseases like malaria and flue. We also make a pickle of moringa pods, to enjoy the health benefits of moringa.

Moringa tree is drought resistant. We can grow it by cutting and planting its branches or seeds in the earth. Once new leaves germinate, the plant becomes resilient. However, we continue watering moderately until the new plants get some branches and become trees.

health benefits of moringa

When we discuss moringa’s anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, anti-viral, anti-parasite, anti-tumor, anti-obesity, and anti-aging properties, it becomes tough to digest that one tablespoon of moringa powder can do so many things to a human body. 

Most of my attendants are stunned. Many ignore the health benefits of moringa by thinking the tree as a part of the traditional medicine or a social media hype. Some even raise questions, if moringa tree parts were so good for humans and animals why doctors and hospitals are not prescribing it to the patients? Why do they suggest high priced medicines and surgeries?

Doctors’ Inability to Propose Doses of Moringa

The farmers, residents of the areas for moringa and folk doctors have been understanding some health benefits of moringa for centuries. The ordinary farmers’ experiences and folk doctors’ observations were never tested by the laboratories. The researches need a lot of money, and most of the pharmaceutical companies avoided to work on moringa for a long time.

It is only in the twenty-first century that we have been finding a lot of work on health benefits of moringa being conducted in various universities biological departments in the world. During the last few years, the United States Department of Agriculture has been focusing on the health benefits of moringa. 

So, it is too early to expect modern medical practitioners to understand moringa, its doses for different diseases, and moringa side effects. 

Change in Basic Philosophy of Traditional Medicine?

Traditional medicine includes African, Ayurvedic, Unani Tibb, and Chinese practices follow a medicine philosophy to treat the human body as a whole. We may call it a holistic method of treatment. 

“The emphasis is on maintaining or restoring balance in the body as a whole. Balance is not just important within the body. These traditions also emphasize the need to be in harmony with one’s environment. This may mean being in tune with the seasons and changes in climate, or with your family and community. (Source

Ibn al-Nafis in 1242, Michael Servetus in 1553 and lately William Harvey's researches in 1628 laid foundation for modern medical science which doesn't take human body holistically. 

Instead, it considers the whole body as a machine comprising of different parts. As we can see with other engines, the parts of the human body can be replaced. If liver or heart dysfunction, they can be treated by analyzing various symptoms, hormones, and enzymes. The blocked arteries can be treated with medicine, and in extreme cases, the patients have to go through surgery of that part. This philosophy has not created various departments but specialists for every organ of the body.

Furthermore, this has led the science to develop an artificial mechanism to replace the genuine ones of the later fail with working correctly. 

On the other hand, the health benefits of moringa are promoted by the traditional medicine practitioners who are left behind due to lack of practical research while having a stronger philosophy than modern medical science. 

But, the times are changing at least to the extent of the health benefits of moringa. The scientific researches have proved that all parts of the moringa tree contain various quantities of different nutrients and minerals which can be found nowhere else. The universities and research bodies are pouring so much information about the health benefits of moringa that the claims of traditional medicine seem shorter. 

Health Benefits of Moringa Are Slower

Then the health benefits of moringa take some time before the patients start realizing. On the other hand, the modern pharmacy has produced many medicines which affect patients instantly. For example, if you are suffering from knee pain or joint disorder, the pharmaceutical injections or tablets shall give you immediate relief. However, moringa leaves shall take weeks, if not months, before you start feeling some relief. However, the health benefits of moringa surpass the pharmaceutical medicine for the fact that no side effects of moringa have been reported so far.

Moringa is A Fantasy Tree

Whenever I talk about the health benefits of moringa, I recall my childhood fantasy stories. The prince had to bring some elixir from the far-lands which could treat the prince or the king who were on death bed for some mysterious disease. It is natural for the people to think that such plant can exist only in the fantasies and not real life. You can find more here

Moringa for More than 300 Diseases

Why is Moringa a Super Food?

Benefits of Moringa Tree Parts

Medicinal Benefits of Moringa Flowers

Health Benefits of Moringa Seeds

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