Moringa Seeds Getting Popular For Treatment of Stomach Ulcer, Bacterial Infection, And Inflammation Besides Purifying Water

Moringa seeds have at least three stages where they can be used for different purposes. When they are young, they are called “drumsticks” or moringa pods. They are widely used in Pakistan and India as a culinary delicacy. During my early age, I saw my mother and grandmother cooking raw moringa seeds in different ways. Now my wife cooks them either with meat or otherwise.

Moringa seeds

Interestingly, none of these ladies knew about the medicinal and nutritional benefits of moringa seeds. Only delicious taste has attracted the folks to cook moringa oleifera seeds for centuries, not only in the sub-continent but also in other parts of the world. Mostly, moringa pods are cooked like other green beans. The food tastes closer to asparagus taste yet unique.

When moringa seeds ripe and start to harden, they are removed from pods and can be lasted like peas and nuts. 

The third stage comes when moringa seeds harden and dry. They can be crushed and used as a medicine for stomach ulcers. They can also be processed to yield oil, which can be used for cooking, hair and treatment purposes. 

Moringa Seeds with Unique Phytochemicals

Different parts of the moringa tree are full of phytochemicals that have medicinal and nutritional values. Similarly, Moringa seeds contain a considerable level of sterols, proteins, tocopherols, and good fat. They have various uses, including natural organic inputs in medicine, industry, and traditional health practices. 

Morphologically, Moringa oleifera seeds are unique in natural presentation compared to seedlings from other species of the Moringacea family.  Seedlings are globular, encapsulated in fluffy semi-permeable husks, and measures about 1cm in diameter. Husky shells present as semi-permeable enclosures flanked by depressed edges with 2-3 papery wings and an overall brown or black shade colors (white; in less viable seeds).  

Germination of cultivated seeds occurs within 2 weeks, producing a matured tree in a few years (1). On average, the Moringa oleifera tree produces about 15,000 to 30,000 seeds in a growth year, with each viable seed weighing about 0.3gm with the seed kernel accounting for almost 75% of the net weight. 

Cultivation and Processing

Moringa oleifera seeds are natural indigenous cultivation of subtropical and tropical climes of the World. Local cultivators have adopted the use of loamy or sandy soils with a pH range of 6.3-7 in regions with an average rainfall volume of 300-3000 mm. Under favorable conditions, seeds germinate within 5-12 days and are subsequently transplanted in the shallow, tilled ground at a depth of 2cm. The transplant process requires some level of expertise as the delicate root system of the young saplings is liable to damage when roughly handled. 

Though the Moringa tree has the best survival rate, yet a damaged root system in saplings may terminate germination and causes loss of seedlings. Alternatively, Moringa seedlings can be cultivated from viable stem cuttings measuring about 5cm in diameter and 1cm in length. This indirect method of cultivation requires extensive agricultural care management as the technique produces young germinates in high temperatures and low humidity. 

How would you like to tweak the growth of your Moringa seeds?

Follow these simple steps!

Immerse the viable seedlings in clean water for a few days, or remove the husk and seed kernels before planting.

Moringa oleifera seeds are processed to extract the Moringa oil. A semi-intensive method of extraction involves exposing de-husked seeds to boiling temperature while carefully collecting the oil exudate by skimming the globular mass of oil off the water surface. Intensive methods of extraction are capital intensive and employ the skilled use of solvents (preferably n-hexane) or by mechanical cold pressing (2).

Moringa oleifera seeds contain 40% edible oil, which can be used in culinary, cosmetics, hair, and lubrication. Oil processing produces an odorless and clear oil. The seed remains can be used as an organic fertilizer.

Phytochemical Constitution of Moringa Seeds

Comparative constituent analysis of Moringa seeds revealed the presence of Moringa oil as the dominant constituent of the seed, as it accounts for about 37% of the seed net weight. Research has confirmed the presence of an active antimicrobial, a derivative of benzyl isocyanate in the crude moringa seeds. Other essential phytochemicals currently investigated as possible herbal biotic substances present in the seeds include; moringin, niazirine, niazimicin B, methionine, and Benzyl glucosinolate.

Moringa pods, seeds, and leaves contain slightly varying phytochemical constitutions. 

Moringa Pods (100 grams)

Totol Lipid0.2g
Pantothenic acid0.794mg
Vitamin B-60.12mg
Vitamin A, RAE4ug
Vitamin A, IU74ug
Fatty acids, total saturated0.033g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated0.102g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated0.003g


Moringa Seeds (100 grams)

Moringa seeds are particularly high in digestible protein, with a noticeable composition of carbohydrate and dietary fiber. In essence, seeds consumed with legumes and food products reportedly low on sulfur amino acids. Local sale of Moringa seeds in sealed containers is popular in the sub-tropical regions of Africa as they are considered necessary in the general scheme of the economy. 

Click here a comparison of constituents in Moringa Pods and Seeds

Nutritional and Medicinal Properties

Water Purification

Moringa seeds are used in the local cleansing of household water depot. The seeds act as a natural coagulant by neutralizing the charges of particles in the water depot and consequently makes them accumulate together, forming flocs and subsequently clarifying the water. Unlike the chemical approach of water purification, moringa seeds leave no lingering taste or trace amounts of harmful chemical components in the water depot. Besides, the seeds are employed in the removal of suspended materials and colors in liquid, treatment of wastewater, removal of heavy metal pollutants, and other organic contaminants.

Treatment of Stomach ulcer

The use of crushed moringa seeds in treating ulcers is an important practice in folk medicine. The phytochemicals present in the seeds neutralizes excess stomach acid and helps in managing gastric pains. A documented study reported by the Journal of Acupuncture assessed the anti-ulcer properties of processed moringa seeds and validates that Moringa seeds decrease stomach acidity by almost 87% at a dose of 500mg (4) 

Treatment of Bacterial infections

Moringa seeds extract to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the human cells and in experimental microbial growth plates. The inherent properties have been attributed to the presence of phytochemicals including moringine, pterygospermin and benzyl isothiocyanate (5)

Treatment of Inflammation

The inflammatory reaction is the cause of different diseases rheumatoid arthritis, edema, and asthma. A review published by the journal of immunotoxicology in 2017, confirms that the treatment of asthmatics with Moringa seed extracts has been found to attenuate spontaneous inflammation in the lungs by inhibiting the secretion of inflammatory factors (6)

Anticancer/Anti-aging properties

According to a publication in the 2019 Edition of the Journal of Food Chemical Toxicology, the seeds of Moringa oleifera has been confirmed to reduce the incidence of oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body cells. This damage is closely linked to aging and numerous neurodegenerative diseases. Phytochemicals in the seeds act as scavengers of harmful radicals generated by radiation and stress (7)

Now you know how important the Moringa seeds can be and why all reviews about the Miracle were always hyped-up


1) Ganatra H, Joshi H, et al,  International Research Journal of Pharmacy (2012), Review Article Therapeutic and prophylactic values of Moringa oleifera 

 2) Lalas S, Tsakins J,, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. (2002), Characterization of Moringa oleifera seed oil variety.

3) Ogunjinmi O and Oladipo-Abodunwa T. Journal of Applied Chemistry 2012, Preliminary Test of Phytochemical Screening of Crude Extracts of Moringa oleifera Seed. 

4) M.K. Choudhary, S.H. Bodakhe, and S.K. Gupta. Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies (2013), Assessment of the antiulcer potential of Moringa oleifera root-bark extract in rats. 

5) Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 2014, Synergistic antimicrobial efficacy of mesoporous loaded with 4-(α-Lrhamnosyloxy)-benzyl isothiocyanate isolated from the Moringa oleifera seed. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

6) Mahajan S, Mali R, and Mehta A. Journal of Immunotoxicology (2007), Effect of Moringa oleifera Seed extracts on toluene diisocyanate-induced immune-mediated inflammatory responses in rats. 

7) Singh B, Prakesh D, Dhakarey R, and Upadhyay G. Food and Chemical Toxicology (2009), Oxidative DNA damage protective activity, antioxidant and anti-quorum sensing potentials of Moringa oleifera

Why is Moringa a Super Food?

Why doctors not prescribe moringa?

Benefits of Moringa Tree Parts

Moringa Leaves

Medicinal Benefits of Moringa Flowers

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