Immunity Boosting Foods May Help You Against Various COVID-19 Strains

Immunity Boosting Foods  and Herbs Prove Their Effectiveness Against COVID-19 at Wuhan

COVID-19 spread has terrified the world in tracks. Millions are infected, and hundreds and thousands have suffocated to death. The scientists are yet working to find some specific treatment and develop a vaccine. Meanwhile the COVID-19 is mutating not only from country to country but even from person to person. Nathaniel Lash and Tala Schlossberg Have observed,“Like all viruses, SARS-CoV-2 is mutating as it passes from person to person.” 

Not only that, but the scientists have identified seven strains of COVID-19 so far out of which some are extremely dangerous while a few cause little harm. 

Out of these seven, the three are most dangerous and taking away lives of people having compromised immunity whether for age or some other factors. The rest four may cause common cold but rarely cause pneumonia. 

Prof Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman,Chairman of Pakistan Science and Technology Task Force Pakistan has also confirmed that the coronavirus in Pakistan has many strains entirely different from COVID-19 in China.

immunity boosting foods

Harvard Medical School observes:

“The virus’s antigens mutate so much that they evolve into different strains, each requiring a slightly different vaccine. Scientists continuously develop vaccines to target those new strains. Despite that, the vaccines offer only partial immunity to the various flu strains that spread each year.”

The mutational capability of COVID-19 makes it a serious apprehension whether any of the vaccine will be effective for all variants of the virus? 

Whether some vaccine is prepared and administered, the best bet is till to go for immunity boosting foods so that whether your vaccine is effective or not, your immune system is capable to fight against corona.

Curing COVID-19 With Herbs and Foods

The trials of different medicines on young and healthy people are more effective than elderly one with compromised immune systems. However, the surprising results of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) prepared with local herbs and foods have also surprised the world as well as the pharma industry. More people are getting interested into immunity boosting foods. 

A report prepared by Wang Zhou, MD, Chief Physician of Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, has mentioned at least 16 herbal ingredients of TCM which have proved helpful to cure the people. The report states:

“Drawing upon the clinical experiences of doctors currently treating COVID-19, both national and regional health administrative authorities have recommended specific TCM herbal formulas for treatments. The most commonly used TCM ingredients include (1) rhizoma phragmites (lu gen), (2) rhizome imperatae (bai mao gen), (3) radix angelicae dahuricae (bai zhi), (4) rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae (bai zhu), (5) rhizoma atractylodis (cang zhu), (6) honeysuckle (jin yin hua), (7) herba pogostemonis (huo xiang), (8) radix et rhizoma rhodiolae crenulatae (hong jing tian), (9) rhizoma dryopteridis crassirhizomatis (guan zhong), (10) rhizome polygoni cuspidati (hu zhang), (11) fructus tsaoko (cao guo), (12) pericarpium citri reticulatae (Chen Pi), (13) folium mori (sang ye), (14) radix astragali praeparata (huang qi), (15) radix ligustici brachylobi (fang feng), and (16) herba eupatorii (pei lan).”

The claims for immunity boosting foods no more seem far fetched. However, we can not expect the pharma industry to come forward and spend millions of dollars to help us find naturally available immunity boosting foods. Even if they discover, they would like to generate millions more to introduce new medicines.

So we need to see the issue with an unbiased, fresh eye.

What is Immunity by the Way?

The Harvard Medical School recognizes our immunity as “a system, not a single entity. To function well, it requires balance and harmony.” It helps our bodies to fight against disease causing pathogen including bacteria and viruses. However, at times our immune system is weakened and fails to inhibit the attacking pathogen. Frankly speaking immune system does not reside in some particular place but a variety of cells work coherently to defend against foreign bodies. It is still a mystery which cells and what number need boosting to develop a perfect immune system. 

What is known? 

Harvard Medical School further says:  

“The body is continually generating immune cells. Certainly, it produces many more lymphocytes than it can possibly use. The extra cells remove themselves through a natural process of cell death called apoptosis — some before they see any action, some after the battle is won. No one knows how many cells or what the best mix of cells the immune system needs to function at its optimum level.”

Do Immunity Boosting Foods Work?

HMS has not tested herbs, or TCM but it admits a “‘connection between nutrition and immunity in the elderly… There is some evidence that various micro-nutrient deficiencies — for example, deficiencies of zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E — alter immune responses in animals, as measured in the test tube.”

When we see the comparative studies at various research sites, we find even a stronger connection between immunity and foods. There are a large number of studies at Google Scholar to prove some everyday foods contain antiviral properties. 

A few Immunity Boosting Foods

Before going through some naturally available immunity boosting foods, it is crucial to understand that excess of any of them is not good. It is advisable to make them a routine part of your diet to fight COVID-19 if it ever enters your body. Furthermore, plenty of water, daily exercise or brisk walk also contribute to your immunity.

Some naturally available foods and herbs have been showing virus inhibiting properties. The dietitians and nutritionists include orange, apples, watermelon, carrots, lemon, garlic, red onions, cinnamon, olive leaves, Nigella sativa (Kalonji), Quinoa and most of all, Moringa. The list is endless, but you must keep a couple of basic principles while using these immunity boosting foods:

It is better to prefer organic packaged foods over the conventional ones. However, if you can’t find them then natural or conventionally grown immunity boosting foods shall also work.

Nigella Sativa Oil for COVID-19

Moringa for COVID-19

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