How Moringa Oleifera Leaves Can Help You in Building A Strong Immune System Against Corona virus?

Building a strong immune system is our first natural move against pathogens like Corona virus. When Corona enters our bodies, the immune system attracts the immune cells to the place of infection. They produce small proteins, which cause inflammation as a signal to other body cells and also to fight out the attacking foreign bodies. 

building a strong immune system

These small proteins are called cytokines which include further categories of proteins including chemokines, interferons, interleukins, lymphokines, and tumour necrosis factors. Furthermore, almost all immune cells including macrophage, T, B, mast and endothelial help creating these cytokines.

When our immune cells are healthy, they create efficient cytokines. These proteins fights out not only the virus but also eliminate the damaged cells. The whole process results into virus specific proteins to defend our bodies for the next Corona attack. Most of the vaccines are being made to create this kind of immunity before any Corona virus enters our bodies.

When our immune cells are damaged due to a disease or weak for an old age, the defective secretions of cytokines fail to prohibit multiplication of Corona RNA.  

Our body continues to attract more immune cells and create more cytokines which can choke our lungs, if not medicated immediately.


It is a too simple explanation for Corona pandemic and subsequent fatalities. But it is supported by the latest researches and especially the World Health Organisation. 

WHO Values Building A Strong Immune System Against Corona Virus

The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that immunity to pathogens develops automatically in a multistep process for a couple of weeks. The body invites macrophages, neutrophils, and dendritic cells to slow down the progress of the virus. The body also produces T-cells that can recognize and eliminate other cells infected with the virus. Meanwhile, the body makes antibodies that are specific to the Coronavirus. 

The WHO further states:

“This combined adaptive response may clear the virus from the body. If the response is strong enough, it may prevent progression to severe illness or re-infection by the same virus. This process is often measured by the presence of antibodies in the blood.”

Mathew Zirui Tay et al. published the research "The trinity of Covid-19: Immunity, Inflation, and Intervention" to prove how healthy and weak immune systems work against Corona virus. 

When Corona virus attacks our bodies and starts replicating, the neighboring epithelial, endothelial cells, and alveolar macrophages trigger pro-inflammatory cytokines. These proteins attract immune cells like monocytes, macrophages, and T cells to the site of infection.  They promote inflammation and establish a pro-inflammatory feedback loop.

T Cells for Immunity

Most of studies prove that the most important cell in our string immune system is T cell. It can eliminate the infected cells alone or with the help of B cells before they start spreading the virus. Such responses can be detected in blood around one week after the symptoms.

Mathew Zirui Tay et al. also suggest:

 “CD8+ T cells are crucial for directly attacking and killing virus-infected cells, whereas CD4+ T cells are crucial to prime both CD8+ T cells and B cells. CD4+ T cells are also responsible for cytokine production to drive immune cell recruitment.“

They have reported results of the first autopsy of a patient who died with COVID-19. They observed an accumulation of mononuclear (monocytes and T cells) in the lungs. They also found low levels of hyperactive T cells and reduced peripheral T cell levels in the patient. These results T cells are the principal agents to fight against the Coronavirus.

They also reported that “in patients with COVID-19, increased T cell exhaustion, and reduced functional diversity predicted severe disease.” In the end, the whole process results in Corona specific antibodies to defend against future attacks of Corona.


How Long Antibodies Defend a COVID Patient?

It is a multi-million dollar question. Not only the COVID patients but also medical experts, medicine companies, policymakers, and governments are anxious to know the answer. 

The initial reports give variant answers. Some people have been found maintaining such antibodies for four or more months. While some other people are found to have a reduced number of such antibodies even after three weeks. 

The WHO suggests:

“At this point in the pandemic, there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of antibody-mediated immunity to guarantee the accuracy of an “immunity passport” or “risk-free certificate.” People who assume that they are immune to a second infection because they have received a positive test result may ignore public health advice. The use of such certificates may, therefore, increase the risks of continued transmission.”

In other words, the WHO is still to find a reply to this question. Yet WHO does not rule out the possibility of the second wave even for the COVID-patients. 

The best way to face the first or second wave of Corona virus is to improve your immunity level and repair T cells if they are weak or damaged. Your physician may also propose different drugs if he finds your T cells weak or damaged. You may also try some alternative medicine from foods and herbs to help you building a strong immune system. 

Moringa For Building A Strong Immune System

You may try some foods, plants, and herbs, which have a value in alternative medicines. You may find a few here:

Various studies have observed the immune system boosting properties in Moringa leaves. Some crucial studies highlight that Moringa mainly works as an antioxidant as well as a cure for the functionally damaged T cells.

A recent study shows that the Moringa extract has immuno-stimulant activity. “A small dose of Moringa leaves powder (0,1 ug/ml) may increase the cell number of CD4+ and CD8+, while high dose  (10 µg/ml) significantly increase B220+ cells compared to the control.” 

Results from another study indicate that Moringa Olerifera leaves taken over seven days to increase and repair cells CD4+ T.

There are no results of Moringa regarding COVID-19. However, it has shown extraordinary results against HIV and Malaria. In a recent study on Marlia patients, it supported other medicines efficiently to improve patients’ immune systems. The study reports:

“The main actors in the human immune response to malaria are CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CD4+ T cells act to eliminate intraerythrocytic parasites, regulate the cellular and humoral immune activity, and to induct CD8+ T cells through interferon, and these cells play the major part in attacking this intrahepatic parasite.”

The Moringa leaves contain proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, and E, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorous. They also support our immune systems. Furthermore, the bioactive flavonoids in Moringa leave like kaempferol and quercetin and phenols like salicylic acids, gallic and protocatechnic work as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Another study has highlighted the potential of improving the CD4 T cells in HIV positive patients with the help of Moringa Oleifera. It helps HIV patients to recover from the disease quickly.

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