Importance of Bio pesticides in IPM

by Syed Farman Ali Shah
(Kot Chutta)



For the last three years, cotton production in Pakistan was not soo good. But in the recent year 2021, there is a lot of progress regarding cotton production was done by great efforts of worthy Agri Sec South Punjab and Agriculture Departments Pest warning specially and also Agri Extension.

Secretary Agri South Punjab emphasized the use of Biopesticides at the initial stages of the cotton crop and to delay the use of chemicals at least 60-80 days after germination. As a result of these IPM tactics, the cotton crop was good with record-breaking yield as compared to last years with low Agri inputs. All credit goes to Secretary South Punjab Saqib Ali Ateel and the pest warning department who help the farmer through daily pest scouting activities and recommendations according to the pest situation.

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