Stevia Sweetener Needs More Evidence To Understand an Exact Relation Between Stevia and Diabetes - Warning is Awaiting Below!

Is there any relation between stevia and diabetes. Stevia sweetener is a comparatively new sweetener in the market with its unique properties. It has zero calories and remains indigested throughout its travel from your mouth to urine. 

Stevia sweetener is becoming a popular choice of sweet taste addicted, all over the world. More and more literature and studies are declaring that sugar is harmful to health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes “is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke, and lower limb amputation.” It killed 2.2 million people in 2012 and 1.6 million in 2016. 

Understandably, everyone is looking for a product that can sweeten their food without adding any calorie and glucose to their bodies. They want to eat their sweet cake as well as avoid sugar intake. According to Statista, 141.97 million people in the United States alone are using sugar substitutes, which constitutes 43% of the whole population. The trend is getting popular every year.

However, most of the synthetic sweeteners have been proving dangerous to human health. Stevia sweetener has a reputation of the best choice for its being natural, calorieless, and indigestible by the body.

Does stevia treat diabetes?

Stevia and Diabetes

Many studies have proved that as soon as we put any sweet thing on our tongue, the receptors transmit a message to brain that some sugary calories are coming. The brain activates body metabolism, and various known and unknown hormones are released. Most important of them is insulin to reduce blood sugar to welcome the expected one. 

However, when our body does not receive the anticipated sugar, it reduced the sugar level in blood. Many clinical studies on animals have been proving the importance of sweet taste receptors in mouth. Iryna Liauchonak et al. suggest

 “Sweet taste predicts energy intake and evokes both autonomic and endocrine responses that prepare the GI tract. Altered glucoregulatory responses, such as the release of GLP-1, were observed in mice when glucose and saccharin were given orally but not when directly released into the stomach.”

They also prove that over-consumption of stevia sweetener may lead the users to diabetes, even if they didn’t have diabetes before switching to stevia. 

How Stevia and Diabetes are Co-Related?

When our bodies release insulin on using calorie less stevia sweetener, our bodies expect some sugar for body cells. Our genes have been transmitting this practice since our forefathers. However, when our bodies don’t receive the anticipated sugar regularly, we face two problems:

1- Metabolic Syndrome 

2- Insatiety 

Regular use or over-consumption of stevia sweetener takes the user’s body into a vicious cycle where the body continues waiting for more sugar, demanding more food intake. A vicious cycle starts every time we use stevia sweetener in one way or the other. Multiple iterations lead us to metabolic syndrome.

Similarly, to meet our insatiety, we get more food and invite obesity as well as diabetes. 

Iryna Liauchonak et al. prove that all non-nutrient sweeteners, including stevia, interact with our bodies the same way. They promote glucose intolerance in healthy users. They observed:

“It is hypothesized that the separation of sweetness from calories interferes with physiological responses and the interaction of NNS with sweet-taste receptors in the gut that affect glucose absorptive capacity and homeostasis.”

They also observed that the regular use of Stevia sweetener really disturbs your body’s responses to sweet taste and converts into metabolic syndrome when your body does not get the anticipated sugar regularly. Diabetes is considered one of the significant results of metabolic syndrome.  

Advice For Stevia and Diabetes

While going through link of stevia and diabetes, we get many warnings. If you are still using sugar as a sweetener, it is better not to switch to any sweetener, whether synthetic or natural. 

It is better to reduce sugar intake. You can start by taking tea and coffee without adding any sweet product. You may feel it initially tricky, but within 30-40 days you will become accustomed to tea and coffee without sugar.  After a couple of months, you may not like any tea or coffee containing a single granular of sugar.

If you have already switched to stevia sweetener, it is advisable to use it as little as possible. Every sweetener, for that matter, is harmful to health. Diet sodas are leading more people toward diabetes and obesity. You need to understand that stevia may be helpful in reducing sugar and blood pressure but long run studies have been proving it affecting otherwise. Carefree use of stevia sweetner may lead to diabetes.

Stevia Sweetenr Getting Popular

Is Stevia Safe?

Why Stevia is Dangerous?

Stevia Leads to Metabolic Syndrome

Stevia Causes Obesity

What is your story of using Stevia sweetener?

Stevia is a natural, zero-calorie popular sweetener. You may disagree what is written above. It is comparatively a new switch from sugar. You are welcome with your point of view, your personal story of using it or even new research which refutes or alleviates moringa benefits. You are requested to share it with our visitors.

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