Moringa Oil, Its Benefits and Unique Properties

You can derive Moringa oil from moringa seeds. It is also called Ben oil. Unlike conventional oils, it is an unsaturated golden yellow liquid at room temperature, with a constant density and refractive index when presented in its pristine form. This oil is rich in components such as palmitic acid, behenic acid, arachidic acid, and stearic acid. As a useful nutritional and medicinal oil, researchers have discovered a high proportion of monounsaturated fatty acids, including oleic acid (77%), palmitoleic, and gadolinite acids. (1)

These components may sound strange, but they contribute to the unique properties of Moringa oil and makes it exotic.

Four Significant Benefits of Moringa Oil

It is common now to see different packaging of Moringa oil for sale even online. In parts of Africa, the oil is an essential household need as it is believed to serve a host of benefit to humans. 

In case you don’t know what these benefits are, we have painstakingly compiled a list of benefits verified by expert researches in different fields of modern Medicine.

1- Improves Skin Health

Moringa Oils

Last evening my wife was showing me a couple of facial products which were containing moringa oil. But it is not new. In traditional medicine, the use of Moringa oil for expected benefits on the skin is backed by centuries-old myths. The Romans were recorded to have produced Moringa oil in large quantities for use in the production of exotic fragrances affordable to only the Rich. The ancient Egyptians applied Moringa oil on the skin as a natural shield against the unfavorable conditions of the Desert. 

A research article published by the Advances in Dermatology and Allergology concluded that the application of Moringa formulations to the skin is capable of revitalizing the skin and reducing all signs of skin aging. findings also revealed that this property is attributed to phenolics and antioxidants in the formulation which include rutin, gallic, chlorogenic acid, Egyptians acid, Vitamins A and C. (2)

2- Improves Hair Health

You probably would have seen an expensive jar of Moringa oil displayed in provision stores and wondered about its use

Moringa oil is being used for hair care over four centuries in various cultures. It contains a deposit of natural agents that detangles hair and promotes growth. On constant application to virgin hair, the oil conditions the hair makes it radiant, thicker, and repair damaged hairline. Without altering hair pH, Ben oil seeps into the scalp and relieves the scalp irritation. Different recipe of Moringa herbal shampoo is now available for sale in different climes of the World. 

As a simple homemade hair recipe, a gently warmed batch of the oil is massaged into the hair, and the hair bulk is wrapped with a towel soaked in warm water. The radiant heat from the towel opens the pores on the scalp and allows the oil to be better absorbed. The treatment is rinsed with a compatible herbal shampoo after a few hours. A study reported by the Journal of pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences confirms the usefulness of Moringa oil in hair and also identified novel agents in the oil with hair growth properties. 

3- Bone Development

We were able to track down some important information about a few new uses of Moringa oil in humans. 

The use of Ben oil as a supplement in people with dysfunctions in bone growth is not yet widely popular in modern medicine. When you face low bone mineral density, it may result in a medical condition known as Osteoporosis. In extreme cases, fragile bones may fracture easily. This condition is common in young adults and post-menopausal women. Flavonoids are theorized to have the ability to stimulate growth of bone cells. This theory has triggered extensive research into cheap natural sources of flavonoids, including extracts of Moringa oleifera. A study published by the Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences confirmed that extracts of Moringa oil, flower and seeds improves bone formation and significantly inhibit processes that contribute to bone loss (3). 

4- Removal of Dead Cells

Usually, our body sheds off old cells every 30 days in a process called Exfoliation. We may probably not notice, but this process occurs in all humans. Natural body scrubs are becoming popular by the day as they gently remove dead cells, unclog skin pores, fade skin blemishes, and also nourishes the skin without any significant side effects compared to synthetic treatment (4). Popular Do-it-Yourself Moringa Body scrubs incorporate Epsom salts, essential oil, and coconut oil to give people natural radiant skin. 

You can decide to include Moringa oil in your beauty product regimen after all

Extracting Moringa Oil

How would you like to know the steps in making quality batches of the Moringa oil?

In essence, the quality of oil extracted from the seeds is a direct measure of seed viability and tree cultivation method. On analysis, the mature, viable Moringa seed contains about 40% oil, with other useful constituents. There are three basic methods of extracting Moringa oil; however, the cold pressing method is known to produce dense and flavored moringa oil of the highest quality. The filtration method of extraction is the most widely used DIY approach used in households (5). The filtration method is easily reproduced and includes a set of simple procedures that requires no skilled expertise. The industrial extraction of Ben oil on a large scale involves the Solvent extraction method.

Moringa Cures 300 Diseases

Why is Moringa a Super Food?

Why doctors not prescribe moringa?

Benefits of Moringa Tree Parts

Moringa Leaves

Benefits of Moringa Flowers

Health Benefits of Moringa Seeds

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