You must have wondered how vegetarians survived on a strict diet animal-free dietary plan and yet live a healthy life with no significant health complications. Plant parts contain essential nutritional components that are readily available, easily preserved, and fit for consumption. Plant seeds are popular inclusions in the human diet over the last few decades, not just for vegans but for everyone.
The Moringa oleifera seeds are special widely consumed in Asia and a large part of West Africa. In West Africa, it is commonly believed that the phytochemical responsible for the Miracles of the Moringa tree are more concentrated in the seed. Local folks have etched trade ideas from cultivating the tree, preserving and selling the seeds for profit.
Moringa oleifera seeds are small, round, and enclosed in a seed husk that is flanked with about 3 papery wings. The net weight of the total seed package is about 0.3g, small enough to allow seed dispersal by wind. Each viable seed kernel is black or brown, while seeds with low viability are usually white. On cultivation, viable seeds germinate within 2 weeks and develop a delicate root system.
Research published by the Journal of Pharmacopuncture on the Pharmacology and phytochemistry of Moringa plant concluded that on biochemical analysis, each Moringa seeds sample was found to contain Cysteine, Methionine, Moringine, Niazirine, Niazimicin, and Benzylglucoinolates. Moringa seeds also contain deposits of Vitamin C, Potassium, fibers, and other trace nutrients. These components are currently under biochemical scrutiny for possible medicinal use in modern medicine.
As a general rule of thumb, all Moringa seed recipes follow strict adherence to some basic safety rules. It is recommended that the husks of the seeds are removed before consumption except in some weight loss recipes where it might be needed. Even in this weight loss recipe, extensive cleaning of the husks is important.
Moringa oleifera seeds must not be used empty stomach, and it is contraindicated in pregnant women. When eaten raw, not more than two seeds should be taken at once, as Moringa can cause excessive gastric motility. Moringa seeds can be fried with cooking oil and popped like popcorn or dried and added to food recipes including corn and bread mixes, salad, fried rice and soups.
Consuming Moringa seeds as part of a healthy diet plan has a lot of benefits. Nutritionists now advise that all daily diet plans be interspersed with a few servings of whole plant products. For Moringa seeds, the benefits of consumption are mostly nutritional.
1} A cheap source of Nutrients
Moringa seed provides you with significant amounts of iron, potassium and Vitamin C and essential amino acids. This is especially good for vegans who are Anemic as a result of low iron consumption. Incorporating Moringa into a vegan meal provides more iron than spinach. The amino acids are needed to repair worn out tissues and support the development of the brain cell. This makes Moringa seed recipes a diet for active athletes and infants. Vitamin C builds up immune systems and prevents microbial invasion of the body cells. In parts of West Africa, a small jar of locally preserved Moringa seeds are retailed for price ranges that are below $10 and meals containing Moringa seeds are retailed for an even lower amount.
2} Relieves Constipation
Moringa recipes are prescribed for patients suffering from muscle dysfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. This condition manifests as difficulty in removing the bowels. Moringa seeds contain enough dietary fiber which complements the actions of drugs in these patients. Unlike in many foods, the nutritional fibers in Moringa seeds are bulky and are easily excreted with no incompatibility reactions with medicines and food products.
3} Help Manage Insomnia
In Africa, this is the most prominent use of the Moringa seed. With little knowledge of extraction principles, locals suffering from insomnia are advised to soak a mixture of mornings seeds and leaves in hot water for about 20 minutes and drink the water a few minutes before sleep. Reports revealed that subjects wake up the next day feeling energized with no recollection of sleep interruptions.
Why doctors not prescribe moringa?
Benefits of Moringa Tree Parts