Why is a Mixture of Moringa Leaves and Honey Not Considered Equivalent to the Moringa Honey Collected by Bees from Moringa Flowers?

A mixture of moringa leaves and honey is considered beneficial for nutritional and medicinal properties. However, it is not limited to combining moringa powder with honey as medicine graded moringa honey is produced from the nectar of the Moringa oleifera flower. 

You already probably know that natural honey is produced by bees after collecting pollen from the floral parts of different plants during pollination. Honey produced from different flowers is termed Multiflora honey. The unique Moringa flower honey is produced from the nectar of the Moringa flower. As Moringa honey derived from one singly flower, Moringa flower honey is termed as Monofloral honey. 

This supplemental product of the Moringa tree serves significant economic purposes in regions where it is produced as locals market it to make huge profits. Unlike other formulations derived from the Moringa tree, Moringa Honey is relatively expensive as the production method is capital intensive and requires skilled expertise. 

How to Make Moringa Honey?

Detailed research about Moringa honey preparation and marketing shows that this product is one of the least popular among the Moringa oleifera formulation products. Compared to online stores, local retail stores currently sell the most substantial volume of global annual Moringa honey production. There are basically three methods of producing Moringa honey.

They include:

Mixing Moringa Leaves and Honey

This method aims to directly extract the phytonutrients of Moringa leaves into available multi-floral honey. Without blending, the leaves are infused into raw natural multi-floral honey available. The mixture is allowed to stand undisturbed and shielded from sunlight for a while before extraction. The leaves are separated from the honey. This practice is widespread in regions where cultivated Moringa trees are not available in sufficient quantities. 

Production from Moringa Flower

This method produces pure 100% Moringa honey from the nectar of cultivated Moringa flowers. Moringa trees are grown on a large expanse of land, and bees are made to pollinate the Moringa flowers only (controlled unifloral pollination). This practice requires technical experts in the art of beekeeping (Apiculture). Subsequently, Moringa honey is extracted from the bees' honeycombs as a dark brown liquid of thick consistency. 

Benefits of Moringa Leaves and Honey

A natural anti-infection elixir

Natural honey at 100% purity has long been considered and used as a one-for-all medicinal cure. A combination of Moringa leaves with honey is sure to produce an additive anti-infective effect on disease-causing microorganisms. This rationale is the basis for using Moringa honey in the management of upper respiratory tract infections and skin infections. A research paper published by the Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy evaluated the effect of pure honey and Moringa leaf extract on bacterial isolates at different concentrations. Both natural products were discovered to inhibit a wide range of bacterial strains.

Ulcers and Gastrointestinal disorders

Moringa honey is the first-choice herbal treatment for ulcers and mild cases of indigestion. As a rich source of fiber, it is also considered a tasty dessert for people prone to instances of recurring constipation. In all, Moringa honey serves excellent purposes in the overall well-being of the digestive system.

Natural sweetener for Diabetics and Obese patients

Some people prefer to use Natural honey and not white sugar as the sweetener in food preparations. With Moringa honey, the nutritional advantages of this preference are significantly doubled. Diabetics and obese people have prescribed a meal plan of low carbohydrate, low animal fat, and low hypoglycemic index foods to help manage metabolism and control the body mass index. This honey is a worthy alternative to sweeteners in this dietary plan as it fulfills all recommended food criteria for these people.

You want to keep healthy on any recommended dietary plan?

Choose Moringa honey as a sweetener!

A readily available Nutritional Source

For centuries of human existence, Moringa plant extracts have been used as a cheap source of adequate nutrition in different parts of the world. A combination of Moringa powder with multi-floral honey or the unique uni-floral Moringa honey expresses a complete spectrum of all the nutrients and phytochemicals for which the Moringa oleifera tree is known for. 

Moringa honey is also used as probiotics, detox agent, skin recipe, and a blood sugar stabilizer.

Lots of funded researches are underway to further unravel potential uses of Moringa honey in modern medicine and establish a scientific basis for its current applications.


* Moringa Leaves with Honey

* Properties of Moringa Honey

Read More On Moringa

300 Medicinal Benefits of Moringa

Why is Moringa a Super Food?

Why doctors not prescribe moringa?

Benefits of Moringa Tree Parts

Moringa Leaves

Benefits of Moringa Flowers

Health Benefits of Moringa Seeds

More on Moringa Seeds

Moringa Oil Benefits

Moringa Tea Benefits

Moringa Capsules

Moringa Juice

Growing Moringa Tree

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